How to update records using workflows in Dynamics 365?


As per the company’s policy, every customer and their contacts must get their KYC (Know Your Customer) done every six months.

It is easy to update Account’s Address, but it takes a lot of time when users need to update Account’s Primary Contact Addresses as well (which is same as Account’s Address).

There are 100K+ customers and on an average, it takes about a minute to update address of one contact. This also reduces the efficiency of the users.


On updating an Account’s Address, their Primary Contact’s Address must be updated automatically without performing any manual process.

This would save a lot of time and users can focus on productive work.

Perform the following steps:

  • Go to Settings > Processes.
  • Click New.

  • Specify the following fields and click Ok.
    • Process Name: Update Contact’s Address When Account’s Address is Updated
    • Category: Workflow
    • Entity: Account
    • Run this workflow in the background (recommended): Yes
    • Type: New Blank Process

  • Check the Workflow header settings and change the Scope to “Organization”. Note: If you define the scope as “User” then you need to set the Owner under Administration tab.
  • We would like to run this workflow when Record Field Change, so select that option.

  • Select the fields and click Ok.

  • Now define the following conditions and set properties:

  • Activate the Process.

  • Now open an Account which has Primary Contact and change the address on the Account. For example we changed details in “Street 2”.

  • Since it’s a background process so there will be slight delay. After which you can see that the desired tasks are created automatically based on the trigger.
  • Open the Primary Contact and check if the record there is updated based on our settings.

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